Monday, April 10, 2006

"We do the jobs Americans won't do"

Is plain bullshit.

I gain a lot of insight while riding the MetroRail through downtown Houston everyday, (I also wish I had a gun permit but that's a different story).

This morning, I eavesdropped on a unique situation. Two white guys got on the train, and I noticed right away they were homeless. Nothing unique there except that 90 percent of the homeless appear to be black, very few hispanic and I don't remember when I have last saw an oriental or middle-eastern homeless person.

Anyway, one of these guys was reading a newspaper and talking constantly about finding temporary work to "pay off his traffic fines" so he could go back to driving a truck. I admired that he was at least actively trying to do something to get out of his situation.

Along the way, he mentioned that he had tried several times to get a job doing construction work. Houston is bustling with construction work and I thought that would be a great way to get a few bucks. He said everytime he applied, they would'nt hire him because he DIDN'T SPEAK SPANISH!

Imagine have to know spanish to dig a ditch these days. He said he didn't want to talk to anyone, he just wanted to make a few bucks to get back on his feet.

This situation helped me to realize that this is a blaring example of the fact that these jobs are not being done by illegals because WE won't do them, they're being done by illegals because the greedy construction owners and foremen would lose money if they hired americans. Then they would have to pay higher wages and taxes. The construction owners and foreman are the ones that are undermining our system, not the illegals. The illegals will work for long as the authorities don't know about it.

That is also a good message to what the illegals really want with our country. They don't want to be citizens. That would mean they would have to pay taxes and obey the laws.

They would have to be accountable for their actions.

This bill will not make any difference in the amount of illegals that trespass into our country. They will still come.

As long as there is a means to make money to send back to the Motherland, they will keep coming.

Ask any mexican-american, the ones who came here, or their parents or grandparents came here legally, if they want the illegals to get amnesty. You will find virtually all of them don't want it.

Gotta go back to work now. Millions on welfare depend on me.

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