Friday, August 18, 2006

Why do we take Politics Personally?

It is funny how we take politics personally, since there's not much we can do about it, except state our opinion.

I was democrat in the Clinton years. Voted for him and for Gore...and found myself defending Clinton's Animal House antics while in the White House. And tried to justify his boldfaced lying us and the Grand Jury.

I was disappointed when Bush was elected because I'm in Texas and wasn't impressed with the way he ran things here while Governor.

My leanings changed after I saw how the Dems acted after both elections. I haven't seen any solutions for anything coming from these poor losers. All I heard from Kerry was, "I have a plan" or "This president didn't...(fill in the blank). The rest of the party is represented by a raging egotistical idiot who will say or do anything to stay in the limelight (Dean).

Their only hope apparently is Sen. Clinton. But she stays on the fence and won't take a stand on anything that requires a sense of commitment. She also has way too much baggage to be carrying into the campaign (some of it stolen from the white house when she left).

The rest has been whine, whine, whine.

When the president or his admin farts sideways, they're all over it. But, when one of their party is in trouble or goes against the fold, they either run away or send them to the alligators (Sen. Lieberman).

Basically, I haven't seen anything resembling a platform that the Dems have presented. The goal seems to do whatever puts them in a good light and the Repubs in a bad light.

Guess that's politics as usual, but we need to see some people with courage stand up and take responsibility for their actions and for their party.

Then, I might vote that way again.

This is why my computer breaksdown at work

Monday, August 14, 2006

So-Called "Peaceful" Muslims Take Heed

It's about time the so-called "peaceful" muslems (like the ones in CAIR and those that say that terrorism in not part of islam), got off their collective asses and realized this islamic extremism is THEIR problem.

I hear everyday how they "denounce" terrorism and suicide bombings. We also hear how they are "peaceful" and want nothing to do with religious facism.

They say their goal is NOT to kill anyone and everyone that is not mulsim until islam is the one religion in all the world.

Oh no, they don't want that.

If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.