Friday, April 07, 2006


I was thinking about the universe, and the fact that all those stars we see are really suns, and galaxies, and nebulas so far away that the light we see from them is at least four light years away. All these things are rotating around a mysterious center of a mysterious galaxy called the Milky Way. We are just one little, tiny dot in that galaxy.

I was thinking about the Milky Way being only one medium-sized galaxy, spinning among billions of other galaxies...everything traveling at the speed of light through the universe.

All the amazing suns and worlds spread over such a vast space.

Then I thought about a flower on a new flowering bush we bought yesterday. It brilliantly colored with purples and blues, and each flower was different. I realized that this place we call Earth contains billions of amazing things.

I picked up a handfull of sand and examined it....really examined each little pebble. Each one was different, different colors, different streaks, different sizes.

Then I just looked at the sky and the plants and trees around me.

We are surrounded by all these intricate, colorful, and constantly changing things and we don't realize it. We don't appreciate what we have. Is there another world like this one in the whole universe?

I don't normally consider all these things on a daily basis.

I plan to.

Beginning today.

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