Monday, February 20, 2006

Who has the Saddam Tapes?

The so-called "Saddam Tapes" that allegedly revealed so much about the pre-Iraq war were very interesting. But, in the "ABC News Exclusive," they said,
Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Mich., chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, says the tapes are authentic and show that "Saddam had a fixation on weapons of mass destruction and he had a fixation on hiding what he was doing from the U.N. inspectors." Hoeckstra says there are more than 35,000 boxes of such tapes and documents that the U.S. government has not analyzed nor made public that should also be translated and studied on an urgent basis.

My first and still most pressing question is, which U.S. government agency has these 35,000 boxes of tapes and who is translating and analyzing them?

What's the deal?

Was this just another act of yellow journalism by ABC News? Is the whole Saddam Tapes thing just going to be dropped and never taken up again?
Who is minding the store?
Who is making sure this will be done?

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