Saturday, February 11, 2006

I've got a bad Feeling about This

Islam is the only religion that thinks about Jihad, and expansion of their religion through violent means.
Muslims are the only group that believes their god has given them the mission to kill those who reject him.
Muslims are the only group that imposes the antiquated laws of their “holy” book.
And, Muslims are the only group that has not apologized for the crimes of their past and keeps committing those crimes even today. (paraphrase from an excellent blog by Truthseeker, a former Muslim.

I know the Muslims are not the only ones that have killed millions in the name of religion. The US was partially founded on something called "manifest destiny." It was the "destiny" of the "civilized" peoples of Europe to convert the "savages" to christianity and a "civilized" way of life. The "savages" did not know any better. They were no better than animals that needed to be trained. Those "savages" that they couldn't convert to their religion were killed.

I could go back further and mention the Crusades that lasted 250 years and killed millions but I don't want to write a book here. You can find an excellent history of the Crusades on several sites if you care to read.

In our times, violence and controversy initiated by Muslims seems to be exploding all over the world. Almost every country in the world seems to have Muslims. All of those Muslims seem to be involved in something controversial that brings attention to their cause. Western Muslims publicly condemn acts of violence but they seem torn between standing up to theses acts of violence and standing behind them, in the name of Islam.

Everyday, we see more and more demonstrations, bombings, kidnapping, and senseless killing by so-called Muslims, not just in Iraq.

This is what is concerning me; this explosion of Muslim demonstrations, assasinations, kidnapping, all of it. Do you think this is just a bunch of angry Muslims rainsing hell about some cartoons in a small newspaper or do you think, like me, that there is a consorted effort worldwide to impose Islam on the entire world?

Is this a planned thing? Is it something that has been planned for a long time that is just now coming to fruition?

I hope I'm just paranoid but it seems like there is something spreading around the world, growing and growing until it covers the entire earth. Afterall, the Koran does say that the goal of Islam is to make sure the whole world is Muslim. Of course, our own Bible tells us to spread the faith around the world as well so Muslims aren't alone in that message either.

I just don't know.

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