Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Where is Our Relief?

If I remember right, last year there was a huge tsunami that wiped out several towns and villages in certain places of the world. I also remember a certain Norwegian diplomat from the U.N. that bad-mouthed the U.S. saying we were "stingy" with our relief money to these poor victims of a natural disaster. There was a national uproar. Our congress immediately coughed up several million dollars...more than the U.N. by the way.

Now, yesterday there was a "catastrophic" hurricane that hit Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. This was a huge blow to the U.S. and state economies. New Orleans alone is facing environmental disaster.
Maybe I missed it, I don't think so since I stay abreast of news, but have you heard of any country or the U.N. announcing they were coming to the aid of the U.S.? Have you heard anyone from the U.N. denouncing the countries for being "stingy" with their funds?
I Didn't think so.

I believe I know why.

These countries aren't offering aid because they first, do not want to, and second, they know that we do not want or need their measely tokens of aid. They know we are the most powerful nation in the world and we are that way because we know how to take care of our own. They know we will jump to their aid the minute a catastrophe strikes them because that is the way we are. Despite all the america-haters out there that spend their worthless existence trying to find ways to discredit America, we will not hesitate to help another country or group of people.

We will survive this and anything else that comes our way and will be there tomorrow if need be to help another country in need because, that's the way we are.

N'uff Said.

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