Sunday, August 28, 2005

Gates of Fire

Everyone has an opinion about the war in Iraq. Some don't give a rat's butt as long as it doesn't interfere with their lives.
I have a vested interest in this war because I spent 20 years in the military and can relate to what our people are going through over there. Just like in every war, political agendas, public opinion, and reasons for being there, fall to the wayside when someone is trying to kill you. The only thing that matters is taking care of your buddies and living through the ordeal. If you ever go through something like that, you remember who you were with and what happened for the rest of your life. Nothing you do for the rest of your life will ever compare to those minutes under fire.
There are a lot of good blogs from Iraq out there and I link to them to get the word on what is actually happening there. If you haven't done that and all you know about Iraq is from the are definitely uninformed.
I think the best one is from Michael Yon. He's an independent journalist reporting directly from the action. His recent post was very moving and thought provoking. You must take time to read it. If it doesn't move you in one way or another, you have more things to worry about than the war.
He reports two things that were disturbing to me; The first one...In the firefight, there were two soldiers that apparently did nothing. Michael didn't mention what happened to them afterward. The second was the scumbag terrorist they apprehended was a recent release from guess were...Abu Gharib. That's right, he was released to be free to try to kill our troops. He got his though and is probably speaking in falsetto now.
Read the blog. It is the best and I wish Michael the best over there.

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