Wednesday, July 13, 2005

The Justice Department and Homeland Security

These organizations need to "Grow a Pair" and grow a pair quickly! In light of the recent reports by Joseph Farah at World News Daily (WND), the evil terrorists have already smuggled in nukes through the Mexican border and are poised to let them loose.

The Justice Department and Homeland Security need to get on this right away and find out if it's true or not. Even the thought of them being able to do something like this just rattles me. If the WND can find information on this, why can't these organizations?

Also, hats off to Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colorado who is showing that he has a pair. He is a staunch critic of the government's lax immigration and border enforcement policies and he's calling the Justice Department on the carpet, demanding they show evidence (if any) of nukes on our soil.

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