Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Unfortunately, I must chose the BBC for the next group that needs to "Grow a Pair." I give them this advice because of their recent decision to remove "Terrorist" from their reporting and replace it with "Bomber."


Hello? Anybody home?

A "Terrorist" is someone who creates "TERROR" through a cowardly act, like "bombing." A "Bomber" is someone who creates what?.....TERROR by bombing. (It's also a drink I used to enjoy involving whiskey and beer, but that was the old days).

The BBC took the word out because their guidelines state that their, credibility is undermined by the "careless use of words which carry emotional or value judgments."
Consequently, "the word terrorist' itself can be a barrier rather than an aid to understanding" and its use should be "avoided,"the guidelines say.

An 'aid to understanding?' What do you need to understand? You were BOMBED by TERRORISTS!

In my opinion, doing something like this damages the BBC's credibility much more than not "understanding" terrorists.

Man, I am just totally bewildered by these "Font Fondlers" who call themselves journalists.

For this little act of political correctness, you folks at the BBC need to "Grow a Pair."

1 comment:

Tom Green said...

just checking