Wednesday, August 03, 2005

11 Year Old Charged Felony for Throwing a Rock?

Give me a freaking break!
An 11-year old girl in Fresno, California (big surprise) was handcuffed and taken to juvenile hall for hitting another kid in the head with a rock. Granted, being hit in the head is not good but to be thrown in jail? C'mon.
If they had these Gestapo cops in my neighborhood when I was a boy, I would still be locked up. We threw rocks at each other all the time.
One time, my cousin and I were having a rock fight with some other kids. We threw rocks blindly over a building at each other. You didn't see the kids, just the rocks. I threw one over the center of the building, then I heard a "WHAHHH!" from the other side. I guess we won.
A few days later, my cousin and I were throwing rocks in a canyon (this is in the Texas Panhandle.) I stood up right in front of Bobby just as he was throwing...smacked me right in the back of the head! I still have a scar from that.
Hell, we would have regular BB-gun fights and not think anything of getting shot in the forehead with a BB. If we didn't have BB-guns we would throw firecrackers at each other.
It was fun. We didn't go to jail for it!

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