Friday, February 19, 2010

Two Half-Black Princes Address the Nation

Well, the world stopped, and the networks "interrupted their normal programming" to show Tiger groveling for forgiveness from the world.

Tiger, the world does not need, nor does it deserve, an apology. You acted like a horn dog, sowing your wild oats everywhere, and since that's the case, you probably shouldn't have married anyone before getting that out of your system.

She's the only one that needs the apology. Whether or not she shows some class in this whole thing is up to her.

The golfing world needs you back. It's a wasteland without you.

Meanwhile, not to be outdone, the Intern-in-Chief addressed a Town Hall meeting in Las Vegas. The people there are not too enthusiatic about his arrival, considering the insults he's thrown there way more than once.

President Barack Obama salutes during his arrival at McCarran ...Obowma used this time to announce even more reckless spending in the form of  $1.5 billion for housing. This in a city with the worst foreclosure crisis in the nation.

The money comes from us, of course, disguised as part of the $700 billion financial industry bailout program, according to a "senior administration official" who spoke anonymously (called an authorized leak to the press).

You still won't be able to get a loan for a home however, unless you jump through miles of tape and obstacles. The mortgage companies and brokers that got us into this mess will be pocketing the cash.

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