Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Pelosi's stretched mouth gets her into trouble once again

Just couldn't leave it alone could you, Nancy?

Your eagerness to blame the republicans and Bush for this economic fiasco that the Democrats setup years ago, made you show your true colors when it comes to "bipartisanship."

Although the bill is a piece of crap as it is, simply a rubber stamp to bail out the fat cats, most republicans were about to vote for the good of the whole, until you stepped up and spewed your canned, "Bush Sucks" rhetoric that has made you so popular with your San Franfreako constituents.

I know the republicans can't blame their decision solely on your speech but I would have done the same thing if I heard someone say what you did against my party.

What the hell were you thinking? Were you so paranoid that the people would blame your party for this mess (which they do) so you decided to do some damage control?

To paraphrase your chosen empty suit, NoBama..."You must think we're stupid."

The bill will be written again, in a more acceptable way, and the banks will be saved somehow. Saved, and freed to run amock without, "control" and "discipline," which is the responsibility of YOUR party leaders.

Maybe next time you can take a minute to learn what bipartanship means and hold your distaste for conservatives for at least AFTER you finish your speech.

I shouldn't really expect much though, since you have to live up to your 10% approval rating.

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