Monday, November 20, 2006



By: Norman Liebmann]

(I like the way he writes) A principal bone of contention in the recent election devolved on which party would more likely keep America safe. In a world full of Moslems, safety is an illusion, and nobody promised it more lavishly and irresponsibly than the Democrat Party. What passes for safety among Democrats is denial. Liberals are unprovoked beyond finger wagging and tongue clacking by Islamic excesses. They believe the silver lining to being beheaded by jihadis is that it is a quick cure for a migraine headache.

The Republicans waged an irresolute political campaign pretty much like military one they did in Iraq. In coming to power the Democrats will bring with them a virtual tsunami of taxation and corruption. Moderates have merged with Democrat surrender-freaks and marched under a banner that proudly proclaims “Mish Mash Accomplished”.

The electorate’s response demonstrated America’s aversion to partial birth wars and abortive political campaigns. History instructs them that compromise quickly morphs into collusion. George W. Bush described his party’s loss as “a thumping”. Rather it was a thoroughgoing humiliation and a pedal to the metal acceleration for the encroachment of Armageddon due largely to Bush’s naïve delusion that there are good Moslems and bad Moslems. He comes by this warped ambivalence honestly. Bush Sr. still labors under the delusion there are good Bill Clintons and bad Bill Clintons. Bush Senior is still sucking up to his unprincipled predecessor. The Bush’s family’s failure to inveigh against the crimes of Bill Clinton is tantamount to an endorsement of them. Apparently, Texas has become a rats’ nest of forgiveness. If the past is prologue, in due course George W. will soon be trysting with his nemesis, Cindy Sheehan.

The campaigns conducted by the Republicans and Democrats were septic and obscene, something like watching Jerry Springer and Maury Povitch throw up on each other. The Liberals rounded up the usual dupes and dragged them to the polls. They were fed the proposition that Bush engineered the 911 attack on the World Trade Center, and Civil rights leaders disseminated the canard that he also created the low pressure system that sent Katrina flooding Basin Street and gave everyone a damp case of “the blues”.

Instruments in the Democrat victory are Bill Clinton, (Hillary’s time-share husband), Kofi Annan, highly-situated scam artist and international oil hoaxer, and the ghost of Pancho Villa. Likely the Democrat campaign strategy was mapped out in the cantinas of Tijuana and the whorehouses of Little Rock.

The Democrat Party is also an acknowledged sanctuary for conscienceless opportunists, Arkansas yokels, the chronic disloyal, aging Princes of Pork, ugly women, and an assortment of sexual epicenes and pathogenic feminists. These ranks are fleshed out by “oppressed” minorities seduced by the promise of raising the minimum wage with a commensurate promise of minimizing work.

The hood ornament of the Democrat victory is Nancy Pelosi of the City of San Fag-cisco, America’s Babylon-by-the-Bay, who has finally reached the portals of Marxist/Leninist heaven where she can change her name to Svetlana and wait for her turn to straddle a tractor as a means of getting some sexual relief.

The Democrats now have leave to vent their true feelings toward all things military – contempt, distrust, and mostly, ingratitude. Nancy Pelosi has already laid claim to a plush office whose strategic advantage is a picture window that enables her to drop her knickers, and moon the Pentagon.

The politicians have formed a study group, presumably of the same ilk that oversaw the evacuation of Saigon. Needless to say, they will not be of the same fabric that raised the flag atop Mount Suribachi. It includes James Baker from the Bush Sr. Administration, which reaffirms the proposition that in politics there’s always room to go backwards. It is hoped that W. is good with leftovers. The whole process is something akin to trying to fertilize dinosaur eggs. Colin Powell’s head pops up intermittently like a prairie dog with his panacea solutions for Iraq. He does have unchallengeable credentials. After all, he did the voice-over for Desert Storm. It is hoped one measure the group will consider is the abolition of the State Department, that murky pond of compromise and nesting ground for the propagation of appeasers.

The slogan “Stay the course” has been discredited as the Bush strategy in Iraq deteriorated from “Victory or bust” to “Occupation and rust”. The Democrats are at odds over a date certain for bailing out of Baghdad. They are divided into two camps – those who believe we should take the money and run, and those who believe we should take the money and quit. Either strategy might be described as “committing Murtha”. In either case it only remains for the Marines to shove Saddam Hussein back down into his spider hole and hop the next freighter back to Camp Lejune. (Our sometime ally, Tony Blair, wants to enlist those rogue states, Iran and Syria, to help solve the problems of the Middle East. Apparently Neville Chamberlain lives! As an alternative to victory Blair is offering us a reenactment of Dunkirk.)

The War on Terror was destined to remain theoretical as long as George Bush was distracted by his preoccupation with making the world a cushy place for the swarthy tribes of the world, and a sewer big enough to mix the molasses for his brand of compassion. The problem is not that he hasn’t won the war in Iraq. He simply chose not to fight it. He is intent on fixing the infirmities of the world of terror and insurgency with a kind of global soothing. Hence, it is apparent that there is no such thing as “winning” in Iraq. Despite Bush’s good intentions toward the people of the Middle East, the determining pragmatism of Islam is a slavery-is-not-all-bad mindset.

In any event, Americans have turned their backs on open borders and piecemeal wars. The conventional wisdom is that any Moslem killed today is one that won’t have to be killed tomorrow. A viable strategy for the Bush Administration might have been, instead of discouraging a Civil War in Iraq they should have been fomenting one in Iran.

[Note: A grim factor in the election demographics is that American Jews voted
85% Democrat. Presumably old habits die hard. At Auschwitz such collaborators
were called “kapos” and served as maitre d’s stationed at the velvet rope to
check whether a hapless kinsman had a reservation in order to enter the gas
chamber. In gratitude for their support, Minnesota Democrats spit in their faces
by electing a Moslem to Congress. That is tantamount to the Hassidim in Brooklyn
sending a mohel to Mecca.]

The situation promises to get worse before it gets better. John Kerry has not abandoned his political ambitions. It is likely that Hillary will be the Democrats’ candidate for President in 2008 and Kerry will be their candidate for Vice- President. The ticket may well be designated as Bitch and Botch. Their Administration would quickly demonstrate that Democrats are unable to solve any problem until they have first made it global.

John Murtha’s candidacy for the Democrat Majority Leader has already been deep-sixed. His aspiration was sunk by his ethically-challenged political past and his unmistakable resemblance to Helen Thomas’ passport photo. Worse, we see the reemergence of that notable invertebrate Trent Lott, who made the Clinton impeachment an exercise in futility. Lott demonstrated that you can’t stand up without a spine, and to remedy that, in Lott’s case, would require a surgical procedure about as radical as implanting a hockey stick in his back.

Having done nothing about illegal immigration, nothing about Iran, nothing about North Korea, Bush has become Dudley Do Nothing. It took him a year to respond to 9/11 – and arguably to the wrong enemy. One suspects there will be a call for a fallback position to a Fortress America military posture, since the Europeans have scuttled their democracies and defaulted themselves and their posterity to the Moslem barbarians.

Bush now can look forward to the humiliation of impeachment without the amenities. The only way the Bush family can atone for the coming apocalypse is to subject the Arkansas lout to a gradual and painful execution for the public entertainment before his natural demise resuscitates the nation’s honor. The only question that Bill Clinton has to conjure with these days - is there impotence after death, or even worse, before?

John Paul Jones said, “I have not yet begun to fight” - and neither have the Republicans. Unsure of how to conduct war with the Iraqis, the Bush Administration instructed the Marines to approach any Moslem unlocked and unloaded - and with a saucer of milk. Bush was equally docile when he sent his pussycat political strategist brigades to reason with the groin kickers on the left. So much for the new tone.

In the interest of space, read the rest here.

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