Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Congratulations to the Democrats, but be Careful what you Wish for

Not all democrats are happy. I believe there are conservative democrats..or democratic conservatives (whatever) out there that are concerned.

I have met a few in other forums.

That's what I probably am, having voted democrat until this last presidential election.

I think somewhere between FDR and Kennedy, the conservative mindset gave way to socialism and liberalism.

Does being a democrat nowadays mean you accept the government's hand in everything you do?

Does being a demcrat mean you have to gleefully accept illegal aliens, giving them all the rights an American citizen enjoys?

Being a democrat, do you agree that the Iraq war is a failed concept and we should cut and run right now...nevermind how many Iraqis will be slaughtered when we leave?

Let's get ready for higher taxes and interest rates.

Fire up those social programs...change our language to Spanish (we don't need to be selfish).

Health care for everyone....that's what those other socialist countries do and it's working out fine for them.

I guess I need to learn Arabic and get used to being on my knees, looking up some other guy's ass too, since being a Democrat of today means I must apologize to all those countries that don't like us.

Next stop, the White House, I guess.

Let's put the Hildebeast or Obama-Whama in there.

The repubs did lose and the dems have finally gotten some power in the house after 16 years. Congrats but I am concerned about what this will create.

I don't see good things from this but maybe that's my pessimistic nature.

I'm off to learn all about Socialism and try to get a fixed rate on my mortgage.

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