Monday, December 05, 2005

You Best Source of Information on the War

Most people of the "left" persuasion read a story from the Main Stream Media (MSM) that says the war has gone wrong, Bush lies, and the Hildebeast is ready to take over as President, and they immediately form an opinion, fire up their computers and start the Bush bashing.
What they don't know is there is a large reservoir of people in the thick of it all in Iraq and Afghanistan that have their own blogs. Their blogs are called Milblogs" or "Military Blogs" and they are the best source of the truth you are gonna get.
BlackFive today talks about the 2005 Weblog awards that is going on. It also lists the best military blogs in one spot.

Go there, and vote if you want, but the main these blogs...then you can show your "knowledge" in a more informed way.

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