Thursday, July 28, 2005

Can You Feel the Love?

Think again.

Muslims Defeated the U.N. Resolution to condemn the use of terrorism in the name of religion.

The International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) submitted the resolution to the U.N. Human Rights Commission (which is a joke in itself but that's another story) in Geneva in response to moves by Islamic clerics to...and get this...legitimize the current wave of terror attacks!!!

And this is the Religion of Peace?

IHEU representative David Littman tried to deliver a prepared text in the name of three organizations hoping that the U.N. Human Rights Commission would "...condemn calls to kill, to terrorize or to use violence in the name of God or any religion."

He was unable to finish his speech because of heckling by Islamic Clerics.

What more prove to you need that these people are out to get us and our allies? What needs to be done to finally put an end to this madness?

I'm Feeling It

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